
Lee Chi The Planting Panda 神农猫熊

被动-Empowered Seed 种子增强

Every third seed Lee Chi throws is empowered.

每第三个Lee Chi扔出的种子将被增强。

-Vigorum Seed 活力种子

Lee Chi throws a vigorum seed at target location. The seed creates a healing field that restores health to all allies who enter it. Increases with spell power. Empowered vigorum seeds provide and increased heal.

Lee Chi向目标区域扔出活力种子,种子会生成一个治疗区域治疗所有在里面的同盟。治疗量随着魔法攻击高。


Empowered Vigorum Seed: Tooltip

Spell Power: 8% per tick


-Tangletree Seed 缠绕种子

Lee Chi throws a tangletree seed at target location, which blooms on impact snaring enemies and dealing magical damage.向目标区域扔出缠绕种子,缠绕诱捕敌人(无法移动)并造成魔法伤害。


Empowered Tangletree Seed: Tooltip

Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10

冷却缩减:12/11.5/11/10.5/10Ensnare: 1.5 seconds


-Bamboo Rising 竹起

Lee Chi throws bamboo seeds in front of him which sprouts in succession, knocking up enemies and dealing magical damage.

Lee Chi向前扔出竹子种子,升起一排竹子击飞所有经过敌人并造成魔法伤害。

Cooldown: 14


Spell Power: 70%


-Petal Storm 花雨

Lee Chi creates a storm of petals in a ring around him, pushing all enemies away a fixed distance from him and instantly healing allies.

Lee Chi 围绕自己制造一个花瓣的风暴,推开所有敌人(以自己为圆心)并治疗全部队友。