基础资料:初始装备 | 中期装备 | 后期装备 | 修改ID | Mirror Shield | Miasmic Garb |
必看攻略:初始装备 | 中期装备 | 后期装备 | Dim出装 | Dim后期装备 | 4.20周免英雄 | 4.27周免英雄 | Volunder攻略 | 周免英雄 | Arame新手攻略 | Elroc新手攻略 | Cottontail经验 |
Cottontail The Bandit Hare 匪兔

被动-Fight Or Flight 阴影

When Cottontail's health is low, she stealths gaining movement speed. Her next basic attack deals bonus damage.
当棉尾兔生命值很低时, 她进入潜行状态, 移动速度增加. 她的下一次基本攻击将造成额外伤害.
-Bandit's Shuriken 手里剑

Cottontail sharply throws a shuriken in a swiped direction, dealing physical damage.
棉尾兔向扫出的方向发射手里剑, 造成物理伤害.
-Dash Series 闪烁连击

Cottontail dashes, slicing all enemies in her path dealing physical damage. If an enemy is struck, Cottontail may dash once more within a short period of time.
棉尾兔快速冲击, 对她冲击路线中划过的全部敌人造成物理伤害. 如果有敌人被击中, 棉尾兔可以在短时间内再一次冲击.
Bunny Swipes 兔闪式

Cottontail uses both daggers on her next basic attack, dealing bonus physical damage. Then, she gains bonus attack speed for a short period of time.
棉尾兔的下一次基本攻击使用两把匕首, 造成额外物理伤害. 之后, 她在短时间内攻击速度提高
-Heaven's Blade 天堂打击

Cottontail leaps into the air, disappearing and becoming untargetable. She then slices her foes with great speed and dexterity.
棉尾兔腾空而起, 消逝而无法被瞄中. 紧接着她以超高速和敏捷性划伤她的全部对手.