永恒命运Bruno Joe技能介绍由搞趣小编带来,本文包含fates forever快狗技能中文翻译,希望这篇永恒命运攻略能给大家游戏带来帮助。
被动-Beautiful Combo 完美连击
Bruno Joe gains a combo stack whenever he deals damage. On the third stack, he deals bonus damage and reduces the cooldowns of his abilities.
每当布鲁诺 乔造成伤害时, 他获得连击点; 累计三个连击点后造成额外奖励伤害并减少技能的冷却时间
-Furious Fists 狂怒之波动
Bruno Joe unleashes a force of energy in target direction that damages the first target struck. If an enemy Contestant is hit, Bruno gains bonus attack speed for a few seconds.
布鲁诺 乔朝目标方向释放一波能量, 对第一个击中的目标造成伤害. 如果击中的是对方的英雄, 则在几秒内获得额外的攻速奖励.
-Glorious Dash 荣耀之滑铲
Bruno Joe dashes a short distance in target direction. After dashing, Bruno Joe's next attack within a few seconds will deal bonus damage.
布鲁诺 乔超目标方向滑行一段短距离. 滑行后, 在几秒内的下次攻击造成额外伤害.
-Dazzling Uppercut 耀眼之升龙
Bruno Joe uppercuts all nearby targets, knocking them into the air and doing damage.
布鲁诺 乔对周围全部目标使出上勾拳, 把他们击飞到空中并造成伤害.
-The Champions Knee 冠军之膝撞
Bruno Joe launches himself at target enemy Contestant, dealing damage and stunning them.
布鲁诺 乔朝目标英雄飞冲而去, 造成伤害并击晕敌方.
游戏简介:《永恒命运》(Fates Forever)是一款MOBA(多人联机在线竞技游戏),游戏当中包含了种类丰富的奇幻生物,并且大多数都以常见的动物为原型进行刻画,例如兔子,熊猫等等,本作基础的对战模式为 3V3 ;操控上充分利用了触屏设备的特点,只要轻轻划动就能够释放对应技能,攻击路线也可以自主控制,并且战斗时的视觉效果非常之细腻